Be A Better You - Joy and Gratitude

Greetings, Curl Lovers!

I can’t believe it’s ten days until Christmas. It has been quite the year, and two words were constant Joy and Gratitude.

Count it all, Joy.
Joy is defined as the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying. In counting your blessings this season, allow that process to lead you to praise and joy. The name Joy is one of my parents’ most excellent gifts, as it will do just that.

While 2021 was challenging, I can tell you I found a sprinkle of Joy in every area of my life. For starters, I launched my hair care line off the heels of a pandemic, spent quality time with my husband and family, and was blessed by the Highest with my health. You see, when we look closer, there is an ounce of Joy in every interaction.

Gratitude Now.
The essence of Gratitude is a “great attitude.” To appreciate Gratitude, one must pause, look around and notice the things we often take for granted. Gratitude is a practice of giving thanks to God, being thankful for others, being grateful for the little things, and finding reasons to be thankful daily in every season of life.

Begin all that you do with Gratitude, and you will find Joy.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Joy Truth